eBay Fashion – Buy and Resell on eBay with BINSniper

eMarketer, who post data and insights on ecommerce, recently released an analysis of ecommerce in 2011 and projections for 2012. In the article, they project 20% growth in the fashion category in 2012, making it the fastest growing category. That makes clothing lots a great buy/resell opportunity.   Use our BINSniper add-on for Firefox or the VieBuy.com … Continue reading “eBay Fashion – Buy and Resell on eBay with BINSniper”

Web based tools

All of the websites listed here are free to use.   VieBuy.com VieBuy.com is a competitive buying app for finding new listings. It is web based and compatible with any current major browser. Results are displayed in realtime. See the User’s Guide  or Try it at VieBuy.com

Why are new Buy-It-Now items already sold when I bid?

Why are items already sold when I get to them? The answer is, of course, that someone else beat you to the item. BINSniper is a tool that lets you setup searches and alerts you in realtime when new matching items are posted on eBay. It’s free and available thru the Firefox add-ons feature or … Continue reading “Why are new Buy-It-Now items already sold when I bid?”